The environment is a very complex and delicate balance, and we understand that it may be confusing to connect all the dots. Let us answer a few common questions regarding the International Marine Mitigation Bank™.


Where is the immb located?

We are a Global Force For Ocean Health™ and IMMB™ banks will exist around the world.

Are Fish Reef Units located at the site that needs mitigating?

Depending on the project, an IMMB™ bank can be hosted near the area of destruction or in place of negative impact. For example, in cases of deep sea mining, reef balls can be placed near mining site to directly mitigate the local environment.

how long does it take a Fish Reef Unit to grow life?

Through experience and calculation, it takes a Fish Reef Unit 5 years to grow one ton of new marine life.

Still Have questions?

Contact us and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.